「世界をよくするスピードをあげよう。」というGoogleのグローバルな目標のもとに、社会課題解決に取り組む非営利4団体が助成される「Googleインパクトチャレンジ」( https://impactchallenge.withgoogle.com/japan )。認定NPO法人育て上げネットのチャレンジ「ITスキル教育による若者の就労支援」が、3月26日最終審査のファイナリスト10団体に選ばれました!
これもひとえに、日々、皆様が私たちの活動の継続を支えてくださるおかげです。 本当にありがとうございます。
3月25日23時59分まで、Web一般投票が行われ、26日 最終4団体が決定します。
ぜひ、上記URLから「Googleインパクトチャレンジ」のページをご覧いただき、 私たち、育て上げネットのプロジェクトに、貴方の『一票』をよろしくお願いします!
Please VOTE for “Sodateage Net” [Please share this with your friends]
We are one of the 10 finalists among hundreds of Non Profit Organizations participating in “Google Impact Challenge” in Japan!! Sodateage Net’s challenge is for the unemployed youth to receive Information Technology (IT) education to obtain jobs. Due to this urgent need, we provide basic PC and programming language skills and internships that allow ultimately to tie-ups and placement with companies for youth, called NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), including Hikikomori (social withdrawal or shut-in people) as well as youth with criminal records.
Google Impact Challenge has been held in India, Brazil, England, the United States and Australia to support Non Profit Organizations who challenge and solve social issues through making the most use of technology. Now the Google Impact Challenge has come to Japan!
From 3/16 through 3/25 at 11:59pm Japan Standard Time (JST), to find out more visit the website and support us with your 2 votes via smart phone and PC Go to: https://impactchallenge.withgoogle.com/japan/charity/sodate-age to VOTE!!!
Sodateage Net is certified Non Profit Organization providing the unemployed youth and families with Job Training Programs.